Sunday 31 May 2009

Osiječko su išali.

Ja ne razumim.
How could their departure move me so much...?
Speech and gabbling, goodbye kisses, farewell hugs. The bus is waiting.
Sometimes it is better not to think back.
Sometimes it is just better.
Što radite? Idete li domu?
Zašto ne možete čekati, ljudi?
You're driving me to tears.

Wednesday 27 May 2009

A new toy to play with...

...called Open Zelda.

You may google for it.

Friday 22 May 2009


Another weird dream?
The first part was about some Zelda animation I made, first 2D, then 3D something. (Also, a sea and beach appeared in the dream.)

The end was weird. My uncle had me hold a speech and I failed horribly. He told me that I was very bad (or something along those lines). I got depressive and ran away from the people. Then I hid on the staircase in our school and saw my Biology teacher going, apparently to our class (which in fact wasn't). She returned and spotted me. I started to cry and opened the window, leaning out. I asked her if she didn't want to see me die, she said no. But she was kinda angry.

...well, what the fudge? I woke up with my face in tears.

Tuesday 5 May 2009

Kandidat Leben

Sie wissen nichts von Wahrheit?
Sie wissen nichts von Gerechtigkeit?
Sie wissen nichts von Liebe?
Davon wissen Sie nichts?!
Ich danke, es genügt.
Wir sind fertig, Kandidat Leben!