Friday 12 December 2008

Let Down.

Motorways and Tramways
Starting and then stopping
Taking off then landing
The emptiest of feelings
disappointed people
clinging onto bottles
when it comes it's so, so disappointing.

Let down I'm hanging around, crushed like a bug in the ground.

One day I'm gonna grow wings.
A chemical reaction.
Hysterical and useless.

Friday 5 December 2008

ReMiX #11 in Progress: "Let's go on an adventure!"

No screens, sadly.

But I'm gonna tell you it's going to be a mega-mix. And it will take long until I complete it.

Look forward to it!

A blog entry of a different...

I feel pretty lonely at the moment.

Life, it seems, will fade away. It's just useless, everything. I can't think clearly, I can't concentrate. She's always in my mind.

I'm trying, but I'm not able to get away.
I'm turning into a phlegmatican.